Breaking into the Online Marketing Industry

Internet-Marketing-MixThere’s only one person in the world with a perfect Klout score of 100%, can you guess who that is? It’s not Lady Gaga, it’s not Bill Gates or even Oprah Winfrey, it’s of course, Justin Bieber; but what the heck does that even mean and why should we care?

Even if you’re not in the marketing field, you’re likely aware that a strong online presence (as Klout measures) has become a key factor in determining business or personal branding success. People are now paying close attention to the number of followers their pages have, their placement in search rankings and the strength of their content, all with the aim of driving traffic to their pages to create some form of ROI.

Marketing can be a popular choice of major for students in high school or college business programs; but graduates are facing quite the surprise when they find out exactly what analytical and technical skills are expected from them upon entering the workforce. To continue reading this article click here. 

Written for Brighton College.

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