Outrageous Dream Jobs | Episode 1 – Around The World

Honeymoon Testers at Work9:00-5:00 jobs with busy days and changing tasks might sound good to lots of people, but a lucky few are fortunate enough to have some very untraditional, outrageous and high paying jobs to make the rest of us seriously jealous! This week we explore tropical island caretakers, honeymoon testers and digital nomads! To read the rest of this post click here

[Written for Brighton College]

Civil Engineering in Vancouver

lions-bridge-2Take a moment to think about your morning routine every day of the week. Waking up in your apartment building, you probably hop into the shower, turn on your coffee machine, listen to the radio and use the lighting in your bathroom while getting ready. Driving to work, you pass through traffic lights, by sidewalks and pedestrian crossings, under tunnels and across bridges to get to your destination, all the while driving past beautiful Vancouver structures like Canada Place, the Harbour Centre, Hotel Vancouver and the city’s tallest building, Shangri-la.

Perhaps you take public transit by riding the bus, maybe the Skytrain too, or maybe you’re a cyclist and ride on your preferred bike route.  Whichever way you manage to get your day going, have you ever stopped for a moment and thought about how all of these structures and systems were designed, how long it took to make them, and how everything functions so efficiently? You might want to thank Vancouver’s civil engineers and designers who contribute massively to the flourishing of our community and the quality of life of its citizens. To read the rest of this article click here.